Monday, July 8, 2013

1940's Movie. Geri and Her Family on 2696 Chadwick Street SLC, Utah v.2.

This a a better version (v.2) of the video I have previously posted by the same name. There is more after 12:43 seconds length that the first version had. The number references below can be used with annotations turned on in v.1 of this.

To name a few:
1. Judy Hubbard (Allen's daughter); 2. Judy; 6. may be Bonnie; 7. Donna; 11. Carol; 12. Bill (Dolly's husband); 13. Grandma Clara; 16. Carol; 17. Grandma Clara; 24. Grandma Murray (I think); 25. Carol; 26. Bonnie; 28. Bill; 36. Grandma Clara. (source: Donna Murray Kirkeby)

1) Judy Hubbard (Lilly)
2) Judy
6) Susan Willams (me)
7) Pat 
11) Carol Williams (McDermott)
12) Jack Bert Williams (everyone called him Bill - my Dad)
13) Clara Grace Booth - Hubbard  (my grandmother - your great grandmother)
16) Carol
17) Grandma Hubbard (all four kids mother)
24) Estella (Stella) Booth - Blancett (Grandma's sister)
25) Carol
26) Bonnie Williams (Barbee) 
28) Bill 
34) Charles Hubbard (Litt's younger brother) I think the one of the Lady's in that part could be Charlie's wife.
The furneral service is Grandpa Litt's. We were all there as kids.  Pat, Donna, Carol, Bonnie, Judy, myself and Mike, this was 1950. (source: Susan Williams)


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